Friday, July 28, 2017

Tag: God's purpose in Judgement/suffering - Ezekiel 37-42

Ezekiel 38:23
So I will show my greatness and my holiness and make myself known in the eyes of many nations. Then they will know that I am the Lord.

Tag:  God's purpose for Judgement

The above verse comes at the end of a prophesy against the nation named Gog.   In some interpretations this is modern day Iran and their hatred for the Jewish state of Israel would fit the description, here in Ezekiel 38.  Never-the-less, the above verse tells us that after God destroys Gog, His glory will be made known.  God is going to judge Gog (and other nations) because of their failure to believe in Him and their hatred for Israel.   But, his purpose of this judgement is what is stated in the above verse:  ... they will know that I am the Lord.   God is making Himself known and He wants even the nations who reject Him to see His greatness and His holiness.   When God causes judgment to come into a life He is doing so for this purpose.  He wants us to see His greatness.   In Job's life we see this same principle.  God NEVER answers Job as to why he is suffering.  And, God is not actually "judging" Job.  But, God is using it for His glory.  He wants Job to know Him for Who He is.  Read Job 39-41 and God's response to Job.  It makes Job come to the conclusion that God wants him to know God's greatness.  That is the purpose of pain, suffering, judgement and struggle.   For us to know God's greatness and holiness.   

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