Leviticus 22:2
“Speak to Aaron and his sons so that they abstain from the holy things of the people of Israel, which they dedicate to me, so that they do not profane my holy name: I am the Lord.
Tag: I am the Lord
This section of Leviticus is about the sacrificial and ceremonial system God instituted in regard to how to approach Him in worship. If we go back to chapter 19 and read through chapter 22, we would find over thirty statements that say: I am the Lord. We often think of the sacrificial and ceremonial systems in the context of Israel, and we should. However, we should not think of them instituted primarily on the basis of the Israelites. God established the system based upon the "I am the Lord" statements. In chapter 22 alone the phrase appears nine times. God is making a point to any who reads these instructions: God instituted them because HE IS THE LORD. We don't need other reasons. God is God and He can establish the way we are to approach Him. As we read these instructions there are several themes, but the ability to approach God because He instituted a way to approach Him. God wants to be worshipped and approached in that worship. We can't just walk in to God's presence without understanding He is THE LORD. God wants worship but deserves the respect for being worshipped. He is THE LORD.