Sunday, February 19, 2017

Tag: Clothe yourself in Christ - Romans 13-14

Romans 13:14
But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires.

Tag:  Clothe yourself in Christ

What are you wearing today?   People spend much time clothing themselves.   They stand in front of the closet and wonder, of the plethora of choices, they should wear.   They consider the day's activity; they consider the days audience; they consider the weather.    What is in their closet is determined by their bank account.  The billions of dollars of money spent on clothing characterizes the priority we put on how we look.  The age-old adage typically goes like this: The clothes make the man (person).   This is the thought that Paul has in the above text.  He is telling us that "how we clothe ourselves" will determine the person.  Since we are believers, we ought to put away the old clothes of "darkness" (vs. 10-13) and we out to put on Christ (the "armor of light" v. 12).  "Clothing" ourselves in Christ is the mandate for the day. Imagine if the money and time we spent on clothing and cosmetics was spent our our "spiritual clothing?"   The problem with the comparison is that you can take someone of complete ill repute and put them in a tux ... even they look good.   Notice what Solomon said about a immoral woman Proverbs:

Proverbs 11:22
Like a gold ring in a pig's snout
is a beautiful woman without discretion.

You can change the clothes in the real world, but the heart is the same. In Paul's world (our world) when God changes the heart (Romans 1-11) the outward clothes change - it is a daily process.

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