Thursday, April 28, 2016

Subject: God's Character - Job 35-36

Job 36:26 (ESV Strong's)
Behold, God is great, and we know him not;
the number of his years is unsearchable.

Subject:  God's Character

"Behold, God is great!".  There is enough in these three words to meditate on day and night:  God is great!   We often attribute greatness or awesomeness to some of the most unusual things.   We see a new invention and we say it is a "great invention." We get a new job and say it is a "great job.".    We order a pizza and say, "That was a great pizza.".  In our society the word "great" is used for a variety of reasons.   In the book of Job, this Hebrew word for great is only used twice.   It is the only two times in the entire Old Testament the word is used.   It is used in the above verse and then on chapter later, as follows:

Job 37:23 (ESV Strong's)
The Almighty—we cannot find him;
he is great in power;
justice and abundant righteousness he will not violate.

The word is a superlative and means "mighty.". What Elihu is telling Job is, however, is that God does not fit into Job's box.   You can put God in an understandable box and call it quits.   This is part of the world's problem: They want to say they know things and so they say they know God and have figured Him out.   The question should be asked: "If you can figure your God out, is He really a God?". If the human man can completely understand God, does that reduce your God to a mere mortal.   God is unsearchable.   Elihu tells Job you can't even number His days.  The skimpy concept of "how old are you?," is lost on God.   God is great.  Simply because we use that same word in our language to describe a sunset, don't diminish God.   God is GREAT!!!

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