Saturday, December 12, 2015

Truth #349 - The resurrection is the single most offensive belief - Acts 23-24

Acts 24:21 (ESV Strong's)

other than this one thing that I cried out while standing among them: ‘It is with respect to the resurrection of the dead that I am on trial before you this day.’”

Truth:  The one thing that offends the world the most is our belief that Jesus rose from the dead!!

The central theme of Christianity is that Jesus was crucified for us and rose from the dead to defeat the bounds that sin and death have on us.   Other "religions" have worship services.  Other "organizations of faith" have hierarchy of leadership.   Other "faith-based" groups have "steps to right living."   Other "churches" even have a person in their past they either worship or derive their inspiration.  However, NO other faith even claims the claim of Christianity:  A Savior who died for us and rose from the dead.  Other faiths put the responsibility on the worshipper to become holy "enough" to pass the test to qualify for the after-life.    In the above passage Paul is defending himself in front of a Roman puppet leader.   The province Paul was in had a Roman leader and his authority extended to this dispute between Paul and the Jewish leaders.  Paul is making his defense.  He is telling the Roman authority that his ONLY crime was claiming that Jesus rose from the dead.   That, however, will be enough in our world.  The resurrection is offensive to the non-believer because it defines the need for a non-repenting world to repent!!   The resurrection defines a future "after-life" for everyone and that implies that we will be judged!  That judgment is offensive to the world.   Other faiths have a judgement, but the results of their judgement is based upon their own standards ... did they "work" enough to "earn" their after-life blessing.   In Christianity the resurrection of Christ makes it clear we must believe and accept Christ's work for us to have an after-life with Him.   That offends the non-repenting person in the world.  The resurrection of Christ is the single-most offensive belief we hold.   Hold it strong!!

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