Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Subject: Victory in faith is to give God the credit - Joshua 1-5

Joshua 2:24 (ESV Strong's)

And they said to Joshua, “Truly the Lord has given all the land into our hands. And also, all the inhabitants of the land melt away because of us.”

Subject:  Victory in faith is to give God the credit.

The two spies Joshua sent to investigate Jericho are successful in their journey.   Upon their return they report to Joshua what they have discovered.  The big take-a-way of their mission is stated in the above verse.  They recognize a truth that is often lost on today's believer:  IF victory is is only by God's grace.   Today many believers think they can have victory over sin by their own efforts.   When we read God's Word daily we might want to take credit for doing so and thus believe or effort and discipline of reading God's Word is why we are victorious.    Yet, our reading is not the reason we have victory.  The victory comes when God uses His Word to change our lives.   Non-believers can read God's Word every day.   The Pharisees are a good example of this.   Yet, they didn't have any spiritual growth as a result.   God is the one who takes the Word and adds our faith to it and gives us victory.  These spies saw that if they would have victory over these nations in the land it was because of the work of God, not their sharp spears, intense effort, or deceptive strategy.   God would use all those things, as we will see.  But, God has to give the victory for those things to have any meaning.   God has to take our daily reading of the Word and use it to carve out our lives for Him.   It is His work that gives us the victory.   Satan does not melt away at the sound of our name. He melts away at the sound of Jesus name.

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