Saturday, October 10, 2015

Truth #286 - God in your heart - God on your face - Acts 5-6

Acts 6:15
And gazing at him, all who sat in the council saw that his face was like the face of an angel.

Truth:  Those who spend time with God will reflect His glory!!

The "him" in the above passage is Stephen.   Stephen was selected, by the Apostles, to aide in the service of the widows.  (Chapter six opens with the story of some widows in the church who are being neglected in the daily distribution of food.  Stephen and a few others were selected to help in this ministry.)   Stephen, although a minister of tables (probably a "deacon" in our minds, today) is also proving himself to be a strong minister of the word.   While doing his service, Stephen is not limited by "his assignment" in the Body of Christ.   He is proving to be a gifted orator and takes that gift to the market place.   Once there he is confronted by religious leaders.  In their confrontation it is said they can't "withstand the wisdom" the Spirit of God is giving Stephen.  Note the proceeding verse:

Acts 6:10
But they could not withstand the wisdom and the Spirit with which he was speaking.

In order to have that power you have to be walking in the Spirit and submitting tot he Spirit's work in your own life.   As they gazed at him they could not help but see his face look different.   This is similar to when Moses was on the mountain with God for 40 days.  When he came down from the mountain he had to cover his face because it had glowed with God's glory.   Like the moon reflects the sun, so we will reflect the Son of God, when we are fellowshipping and submitting to Him.   Those around us will see that we have a different face.   But,  you don't show a different face to the world unless you have a heart for God.   Stephen had that heart.  

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