Sunday, October 11, 2015

Truth #287 - We have an advocate in heaven - Hebrews 8-10

Hebrews 9:24
For Christ has entered, not into holy places made with hands, which are copies of the true things, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God on our behalf.

Truth:  We have an advocate to defend us in the presence of God: His Son, Our Savior, Jesus

If you have ever gone to trial in a legal proceeding you know the value of a good lawyer.   A lawyer's job is to bring your argument, in legal speak, before the judge.  Since we don't know most of the finer points of the law, this lawyer is to know the law, know our case and know the arguments to convince the judge we are innocent, or free from responsibility, etc.   That is our legal system.  It has many flaws, but it is still one of the best legal systems in the world.   However, imagine if, on top of defending me, my lawyer also stated, to the Judge, that I AM guilty and I deserve whatever punishment the Judge is wanting to exact, but the Lawyer states to the Judge, "I paid for his iniquity and he has NO guilt.  Lay his punishment on me!"   Imagine that!!   That would be the BEST legal system.   This is what Christ has done for us and what is stated in the above verse.   Christ has entered the courtroom and stood in front of the Judge (His Father) on our behalf and pleads for us.   He states to the Father, "I paid for his sin, his punishment is on my and I paid for that, as well.  He is free!!"   What a marvelous and blessed truth and hope.   God sent His Son to pay for the punishment of the sin God would eventually have to convict us about.   Christ pleads for us.  Christ is for us!!!   What a blessed hope!!

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