Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Truth #255 - God is our defense attorney - Psalm 108-110

Psalms 109:30-31
With my mouth I will give great thanks to the Lord;
I will praise him in the midst of the throng.
For he stands at the right hand of the needy one,
to save him from those who condemn his soul to death.

Truth:   God is our defense attorney

We are all very vile sinners.   If the world could see into our hearts they would see darkness, despair and deception.   We are really not very good people ... in the depths of our hearts.  Romans 3:23 states that we are all sinners.  We may not think so, but we are actually standing each day accused and convicted as sinners before an angry God.   He demands holiness and we fall well short of that mark.   But, we have a defender.  When we are "rightly" accuses of our sin, we have a defender by the name of "Jesus" who takes up our defense.  He not only defends us verbally, but with His actions.  He doesn't tell the Judge (His Father) that we are innocent.  That would be a lie.  Instead He tells His Father that we are guilty but that the holy and right penalty for our sin (death) has been paid by Him.   This Defense attorney does what no legal advocate does ... He not only defends us, He also takes our sentence of death upon Himself.  We stand accused, but forgiven ... not because of our ability to pay our debt but because of His willingness to pay the debt for us.  And, unlike any lawyer, He doesn't charge us.   We have the ability to take His payment for us, rather than figure out a way to pay Him.  This is why the writer says in the above verse that, "With my mouth I will give great thanks to the Lord ... ".   Where others would want to condemn me, He stands to advocate for me.  My heart might want to condemn me (and it has plenty of evidence to show the Judge I have failed the test of holiness), but He stands to save me from those who would condemn me.   I will praise Him in the midst of the throng!!!  I write this on my 61st birthday.   I have come to realize that I am a terrible sinner who deserves no grace or mercy in my life.  Yet, there He is!!! Standing at my right hand to pronounce to all, "This wretched man is holy ... I have made his so!!!"  How can we not say praise Him.

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