Monday, August 3, 2015

Truth #218 - God owns everthing - Leviticus 25-27

Leviticus 25:23
“The land shall not be sold in perpetuity, for the land is mine. For you are strangers and sojourners with me.

Truth:  God owns everything ... we are just tenants.

This statement must have come as a shock to the nation of Israel.   They have been and will continue to wander for quite sometime before they enter the promise land.   Upon entering, however, they must come to the realization that the land they were to "inherit" was not to be their land, but God's land.  They were simply tenants in the land.  In their wandering they owned nothing.   When the enter the Promise Land, they will continue to own nothing.   God is the owner of everything and they were to be good stewards of what God had given them and will give them.   This is an important truth for us, even today.  The talents we have, are Gods.  The possessions we have, are Gods.  The stuff we own, is Gods.   We need to make sure we know that we don't own things, as believers.  We are simply stewards, tenants and keepers of what God gave us.   We tend to want to own, accumulate and claim things.   That claiming and owning gives society a feeling of power and position.  Land owners tend to have more power ... the more you own the more power you have.  This is why God says in the above passage that the land was not to be sold permanently or completely (perpetuity).   The land was to go back to the primary owner in the year of Jubilee.   God wants us to remember that He owns it!!   Remembering that truth makes our power in Him, verses in ourselves.

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