Saturday, February 28, 2015

Truth #62 - To be like Christ we must treat others like Christ would treat them - Matthew 24-26

Matthew 23:23
“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint and dill and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness. These you ought to have done, without neglecting the others.

What really matters in life?   What really makes the biggest impact on people?  Is the biggest impact made by those with the most money? Do those who have the biggest affect have a big home and throw the largest party make the biggest impact?   Is the best or most popular personality the one asset that makes the biggest impact in the lives of others?  If you listened to today's media and today's entertainment community, you would think all these things and a few more are the items or areas that cause large mouth impact.  Some, in the religious world, think that "religiosity" is the catalyst for big impression on not only others, but God.   That is what the religious leaders in Christ's day thought, anyway (although today's pastors and priest still hold the same thoughts).  Christ calls them out on the carpet for such a belief.  He pointed out that these "leaders" of faith put all their emphasis on obeying even the most exact aspects of the Law (He wasn't saying "don't" do that), but then neglect the most important aspect of the Law ... the root meaning ... showing mercy and justice and faithfulness.  Jesus was concerned that these religious leaders were missing the point and leading others on that faulty mission.  Mint, dill and cumin are the smallest items in the garden.  God had told them to tithe, even of those items, in Deuteronomy 14:22.   Jesus isn't telling them to stop neglecting these things, but to add to this diligence the more important aspect of the law:  God wants them to treat others in a just manner ... not turning an eye away from what is right.   Jesus wants them to know that having mercy, to balance that justice, is as equally important and "weightier" than the mint, dill and cumin.   He adds to that thought being faithful and completes the trifecta of Godliness.   We must stop thinking that simply doing the function of the law will please God.   In Hebrews 11:6 we are told that God is pleased by faith in Christ, not the acts of doing something.   Acting "like" God in our treatment of others is more important to Christ and more like Christ, than doing things in a religious, "keep-all-the-things-on-the-list,"  How we treat others should be our lives not our task.   This is why Jesus summed up the entire in the words that we should love God and man.   That is it!!   How do we show others we are Christ-like?  By treating others with justice, mercy and faithfulness.   The truth is, we might be able to "impress" others with our religious obedience. But if we want to "impact" others we must press hard and practice justice, mercy and faith.  

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