Sunday, March 1, 2015

Truth #63 - God uses the fools and the weaks to accomplish His purpose - 1 Corinthians 1-2

1 Corinthians 1:26-27
For consider your calling, brothers: not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong;.

I have the privilege in my day job to offer wisdom and advice to some of the best leaders in education in our state and surrounding states.   They call me at any hour to discuss challenges, projects and conflicts they are facing and/or experiencing.   They ask me what I would suggest about this and do about that.   I marvel at this.   I was one of the original "child at risk" to the educational community.  I was in from a broken home and living in a trailer park ... they stereotypical child who wouldn't make it in the world of education.  My brothers had dropped out school long before and opted for a life in the military rather the potential term in crime.   By the world's standards I am not powerful or knowledgable.  I am blessed by God because of the truth of the above verses.   God choose simply fishermen to fill with the Spirit to turn the world upside-down.    God choose a simply shepherd in Amos to give a prophecy.  He choose a shepherd in David, Moses and many others to write His word in poetic form, lead His people out of Egypt and into the promise land and eventually write His Word to us.    God doesn't need or desire the powerful and wise to deliver His message.   God uses simply people and puts them into places of influence to accomplish His tasks.   Joseph, Daniel, and Esther are examples of God putting people in the right spot to accomplish His will.   The irony in the above truth is the Paul might be described by the world as powerful and wise.   Before his salvation Paul was high on the list of potential influencers within the world of the religious powers.   Yet, God humbled him.   He brought him low and even gave him a thorn in his side to keep him low.  God uses the foolish of the world to affect the world's events.   In this world it is the powerful, rich and educated who are promoted and rewarded.  Yet, God uses the fool to confound the wise when that fool comes to Christ and is filled with the Spirit of God.  Believers are not wise by the world's standards.  The world has a different criteria for powerful and wise.   God redefines wisdom as those who come to Christ.  Since Christ IS wisdom, those who are IN Christ possess all the wisdom of this world.  It matters not your roots.  Whether shepherd, fishermen or trailer-park kid, God can use those He wants to accomplish His purpose in this world.

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