Friday, July 18, 2014

How do you measure the success of a ministry? Ezekiel 31-36

Ezekiel 33:31-33 (NASBStr)
They come to you as people come, and sit before you as My people and hear your words, but they do not do them, for they do the lustful desires expressed by their mouth, and their heart goes after their gain. Behold, you are to them like a sensual song by one who has a beautiful voice and plays well on an instrument; for they hear your words but they do not practice them. So when it comes to pass — as surely it will—then they will know that a prophet has been in their midst.”

Ezekiel, like most prophets, did not have a lot of visual evidence of his success.  Like most prophets, he spoke and people listened, but seldom obeyed.    Such was the life of the prophet.   Today's modern pastor or ministry would not survey much under those guidelines.  We are very, very "results" oriented.  Not just in ministry, but in all of life.  A business must show visual signs of success if it hopes to maintain a business plan.  Imagine a restaurant that has very few patrons.  People won't eat where there is not a crowd.  So, too, ministry.  Churches that lack numbers tend to die.   The pastor may be preaching the word in sincerity and truth.   Growth, internally, may be taking place.  However, if we can visual see signs of success we won't think God is there.  So, we see in the above passage that Ezekiel often had very few converts to a God inspired and directed message.    It would only be until later that he would be known as a prophet of God.   The real test of a ministry is the longevity and the legacy of it, not the immediate impact.  God is not a flash in the pan God.   He provides a message.  People don't readily hear it or obey it.  That does not diminish the message or the ministry.    It won't be until later that people know that the God of the Universe had spoken to them.  

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