Saturday, July 19, 2014

Do you know how to be a great leader? Luke 21-22

Luke 22:24-26 (NASBStr)
 And there arose also a dispute among them as to which one of them was regarded to be greatest. And He said to them, “The kings of the Gentiles lord it over them; and those who have authority over them are called ‘Benefactors. ’ But it is not this way with you, but the one who is the greatest among you must become like the youngest, and the leader like the servant.

Leadership among the Gentiles during the Lord's time on earth was very much a power and prestige reality.   As stated by The Lord above, the leaders would "lord" it over them (others).   These "leaders" had authority and would use it to abuse others.  Even Roman soldiers, being under orders from those of higher rank, could and would compel mere men to carry their equipment for them.   The disciples, like others, were caught up with this same aspect of self-importance and "I'm-large-and-in-charge" mentality.   They had this mind set because they believed Jesus was about to become King of their universe and was about to put down the Roman rule.  They knew they have followed Jesus and left everything behind.  Now, in their minds, it was time to claim the prize .... leadership positions in the new kingdom.    Yet, Jesus totally turns their minds upside down.   He gives them a new interpretation of how leadership should be viewed.   He wants them to be servants!!   This would have been totally against their mindset.   Yet, just prior to this conversation (during the Last Supper) Jesus had just finished washing their feet.   Jesus had given them a great example of how to lead ... by serving.    Jesus did want them to have positions in the Kingdom He had come to establish.  Their desire was not wrong, by their method was.   Jesus didn't tell them to NOT seek leadership.  Jesus told them to NOT seek it that way.   Leadership today seeks to be first.  They get the biggest offices, the most money and the largest seats at the table with the biggest titles.   Yet, that is not what Jesus tells us.  He tells us that we ought to seek to be servants.  To get on our hands and knees and wash the feet of others.   Whoever is the servant of all will be the ultimate follower of Jesus and the best leader.  If the God of the Universe can wash the feet of others, why can't we?  If the Son of God can give His life to ransom others, why can't we.   We must cease from our self-important attitudes and find a place serving others.  

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