Tuesday, May 13, 2014

When given the opportunity for revenge do you seek forgiveness? 2 Samuel 15-19

2 Samuel 19:19 (NASBStr)
So he said to the king, “ Let not my lord consider me guilty, nor remember what your servant did wrong on the day when my lord the king came out from Jerusalem, so that the king would take it to heart.

When David was forced to leave Jerusalem, our man making the statement in the above verse, Shimei, stood beside the rode and cursed David.  He also thru stones at David and his mighty men.   These are the same mighty men who had killed hundreds with their bare hands.   Shimei was one of the few remaining descendants of Saul.  His view of the world was still that of a bitter, but loyal, man to his only heir to the throne, Saul.   Shimei is the perfect example of the person who attacks us when we are down.   David was forced to leave Jerusalem and give up the throne because his son, Absolam, was taking the throne by force.   Shimei thought this would be the time to curse and destroy David.   His bitterness was so strong it clouded his judgment.   At the time of David's exodus from Jerusalem, the might men around David wanted to kill Shimei.  David stopped them, telling them that God might have sent Shimei to curse him, so they should not intervene.   However, now it was obvious that God was bringing David back to the throne and now was the time to seek revenge with all those who sided with Absolam.   Yet, even in his return, riding on the cloud of victory, David refused to have this man killed.   David doesn't let the mighty men kill him a second time in this passage.  The man comes seeking forgiveness and mercy.   David, in the eyes of the world, could have killed him or had him killed.   Yet, God wanted him to do what Paul shows us in Romans 12.   Rather than seek revenge David was willing to show forgiveness.   In his leadership he desired to show those around him the compassions of a man of God, who knew forgiveness.   In our lives we will have similar chances to show forgiveness.   God wants us to demonstrate His love, even to those who don't deserve it.  The world would not prevent us from seeking revenge.  They might even applaud it.   Yet, God did not send His Son for us to merely seek revenge.   God wants us to demonstrate the same forgiveness He shows us.    When you have the opportunity to get revenge, seek love through forgiveness.    

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