Monday, May 12, 2014

How would you like God to talk to you? Exodus 25-29

Exodus 28:30 (NASBStr)
You shall put in the breastpiece of judgment the Urim and the Thummim, and they shall be over Aaron’s heart when he goes in before the Lord; and Aaron shall carry the judgment of the sons of Israel over his heart before the Lord continually.

If you had your choice of the following to find out what God wanted you do in regard to His will, which would you pick:

A). A loud voice from Heaven
B). A Cloud by Day and a Fire by night
C). A representative (like a Moses)
D). Two stones that lit up or shined like a true and false machine
E). A trusted inner voice of the Holy Spirit

In the nation of Israel they would move through each of these methods as God dealt with them.   The above verses speak to the Urim and Thummim that were two precious stones in the breastplate of the high priest.  Although we know only a little about them they apparently would glow or get hot or do something when you ask a question of God.   God would indicate His approval or disapproval through the two stones.   God would speak to the high priest through those stones and the high priest would speak to the nation on His behalf.   Those stones (and all other forms of communication) have been replaced by the Voice of the Holy Spirit.   God has given us His presence and direction by the unction of the Holy Spirit.   The intimacy of the Spirit in our lives requires us to read the Word and to listen carefully to that voice.    It causes us to leave by faith.  It makes us stay away from what we see in the flesh and live in the spiritual world.    This is God's plan.   He comforts us; teaches us; corrects us through the Spirit of God.   Our yielding to Him is of utmost importance in our lives if we want to know the perfect will of God (Romans 12:1-2).   We might wish we had a loud voice, or a sign from heaven, or a true representative, or even two cool stones that glowed in the dark times of life.   But, Israel had all those things and failed to follow God's perfect will.   God replaced all those with His Divine presence through the ministry of the Spirit.  We ought to rejoice in that and walk in the Spirit, not the flesh.  All those other methods were for the flesh.  

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