Saturday, May 17, 2014

Do you have the filling of the Spirit producing the power of the Spirit? Luke 3-4

Luke 4:14 (NASBStr)
Jesus’ Public Ministry
 And Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about Him spread through all the surrounding district.

Compare the above verse with the verse that started off the fourth chapter:

Luke 4:1 (NASBStr)
 Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led around by the Spirit in the wilderness

In the beginning of the chapter it is said that Jesus was "full" of the Holy Spirit.   At which time, Satan takes Him into the wilderness and tempts His flesh (with food); His pride (with the offer of a Kingdom); and, His relationship with His father (tempting God).  AFTER the temptation, in which Jesus responds in faith in God's Word each time, the Scripture nows says that "Jesus returned to Galilee in the POWER of the Spirit."    The obvious lesson Luke wants us to see here is that being filled with the Spirit leads to having the power of the Spirit.   When we are filled with the Spirit we can endure the temptations Satan throws our way and the simply produces more and more power by the Spirit.   God has given us the Spirit to be the guide, the power and the assurance we need while we wait for the consummation of our hope.  We can't have the power of the Spirit without first submitting to Christ and allowing the Spirit to fill us. Jesus has not left us alone.  He not only gives us the Spirit, He lived His life the way we are to live ours and gave us the same power He had to defeat sin and Satan.  

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