Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Do you start in faith but try to finish in the flesh? 1 Samuel 16-20

1 Samuel 17:54 (NASBStr)
Then David took the Philistine’s head and brought it to Jerusalem, but he put his weapons in his tent.

This verse is recorded at the end of the story of David and his victory over Goliath.    The story is all to known to not just the church, but the world.  And, although the world knows it, they have reduced the events to a moral victory of the smaller defeating the bigger.   They miss entirely the point of one man in the hand of God is worth more than one man with bigger hands.  David was successful, not because he got lucky with a sling but because the stone in the sling was being maneuvered and directed by David's God, Jehovah!!  Yet, in this verse we see David bring not just the head of Goliath back to Jerusalem, but also Goliath's sword.   Why?   What was wrong with the sling?  Is this the beginning of David's trust in something other than God?   I suppose some would say this was a normal act of spoil in war, but remember the context of the victory.   David had turned down Saul's armor.   David had decided to go out to battle with just a sling.   Wouldn't it be a greater spoil to hang his sling on the wall?   Saul's sword would later be gathered by David when he was fleeing Saul.   But, it would also be used, at that time, to replace David's reliance and trust in God.   When we conquer the world through faith, why do we turn and eventually incorporate the world's methods and systems for future work.  IF we begin in faith, why not complete in faith.   Paul worried about that same problem when he wrote to the churches in Galatia.  Note the following:

Galatians 3:3 (NASBStr)
Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?

God wants us to begin in faith and end in faith.  We don't have a place for the things of the world.   When we replace our sling of faith with the sword of the world it begins by bringing the sword into our tent as a treasure.   If we are going to start in faith and finish in faith we need to make sure that we don't hide the tools of the flesh in our tent.   

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