Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Do you know God's plan for highly success people? Psalm 39-41

Psalms 41:1-3 (NASBStr)
 How blessed is he who considers the helpless;
The Lord will deliver him in a day of trouble.
 The Lord will protect him and keep him alive,
And he shall be called blessed upon the earth;
And do not give him over to the desire of his enemies.
 The Lord will sustain him upon his sickbed;
In his illness, You restore him to health.

How many books have been written that could be entitled, "A formula for success?"   We are often told what successful people do and encouraged to repeat their habits, antics or platitudes.   Supposedly the world knows what it means to be successful and, if we want success, their patterns and formula's ought to be embraced and followed.   We might here from them about work ethic, integrity, healthy habits and focused missions.   There have been few, however, who have ever written a book on the subject of the above Psalm of David.   David, through the Spirit's ministry, gives us a formula for success that would not match any Harvard Business School philosophy.   David tells us that a "blessed" person, one who will have deliverance in the day of trouble; a protection program from God; a reputation on the earth; an overcomer of his enemies; and a person who is in excellent health, is one who considers the helpless.   Those who are gracious to those in need will find that God will be gracious to them.   That is David's formula for success.  He doesn't talk about getting up early to exercise, or getting a great education, or accumulating wealth (although none of those things are bad in and of themselves).   He tells us that those who are blessed by God with those gifts, are those who have a thought and plan to help the needy.   The next time you see that the world around you is not as successful as you planned, see how you align with God's plan.   Are you so focused on your own success that you fail to consider God's plan.  Be gracious to others and God will be gracious to you.  

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