Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Do you know how God teaches us? Psalm 24-26

Psalms 25:4-5 (NASBStr)
Make me know Your ways, O Lord;
Teach me Your paths.
 Lead me in Your truth and teach me,
For You are the God of my salvation;
For You I wait all the day.

When we think of learning or teaching in our society we tend to put the whole thing into the concept of a classroom.  We tend to think of books, desks, and study as the way we "know" or how someone is to "teach" us.   That certainly is one way to learn.   Yet, it is doubtful David had that thought in mind when he penned the above words.   He is in the middle of a Psalm on the praise and goodness of God.   In the midst of that prayer he asks God to "teach" him.   If we were to utter the same words we would be best not to think of sitting in a comfortable classroom and hitting the books while we watch television.   God did answer David prayer and taught him and lead him in the His truth and about His salvation.  But, it was seldom in a classroom.   God used the bear and lion that attacked the lambs David was watching over to teach David how to use the instruments of war.   God used the issue with Bathsheba to teach David about repentance.   God used the hot pursuit of Saul on David's life to teach David trust and grace.    God used a man cursing him when he was run out of town by his son to learn forgiveness.   And, he used his son to teach him humility.   When we ask God to "teach" us His ways we ought to make sure to get a good vision of what that looks like.   God uses suffering, triumph, defeat and others to teach us.   Although the curriculum to learn about God is mostly His Word, the heavens declare the glory of God.    When we see a lighting storm we are being instructed by God.   If we ask, like David above, for God to "make me know Your ways, O Lord," we need to be ready to learn in a variety of ways.   

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