Sunday, December 15, 2013

Do you know why you are supposed to love other believers? 2 John

2 John 1:1-2 (NASBStr)
 The elder to the chosen lady and her children, whom I love in truth; and not only I, but also all who know the truth, for the sake of the truth which abides in us and will be with us forever:

At the time of the writing of this little letter, the church was under much persecution.   Believers, once discovered, lost most of their relationships, all their possessions and were in danger of physical persecution, to the point of death.  That didn't stop Joh, the Evangelist, from addressing a concern he had for the church.  It only addressed how he would address them.   Instead of identifying himself and them, specifically, he simply referred to himself as the "elder" and the church leadership as the "chosen lady" and the congregate as "her children."   Despite the threat of persecution the "elder" still had a responsibility to correct a problem in the church.   John wanted to make sure, that despite the persecution (which would cause people to become self-centered and suspicious other others), the church showed genuine love for one another.   He doesn't simply want them to love because they "feel" like love.  He wants them to love out of truth.  This means their love is based upon the command of Christ: Love one another (John 17).  This love was not situational; was not conditional; and was not relational.   This type of love was out of obedience.     That does not mean we won't establish relationships with others, but relationship is not a prerequisite for Biblical love.   Throughout the letter the elder is letting the lady and the children know that Biblical love is based upon truth (what God told them to do) and is done in truth (the way Christ loved them by sacrificially giving Himself to them).  If we love in truth we do so with no malice or reservation.  We believe that since God told us to love our fellow believers we are not to be reticent.  He will care for the "issues" in life of mis-trust and false representation.   John was afraid that circumstance would infiltrate the church and reduce the one measure of our relationship with Christ: Love.  When we are asked by Christ to love one another that is not an option dictated by conditions on the ground.  It is only through belief in the heart that this type of love can be experienced.   Love casts out fear (1 John 4:18).   Belief creates the avenue for love - not feelings.  

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