Monday, December 16, 2013

Do you know the mind of God? Deuteronomy 29-31

Deuteronomy 29:29 (NASBStr)
“ The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the words of this law.

As Moses was composing the above lines he was at the end of his life.  He had seen it all ... or, at least he thought it did.   But, after all the years traveling this earth and leading these people (Israel), Moses had come to the point of his theology to realize that although God had shown him much, there was a vast ocean between what he did know and what he didn't know.   God had secrets He didn't tell Moses.   God has secrets that belong only to God!   We must remember that Moses had some grand and glorious experiences.    He had seen God in the burning bush and talked to him.  He had seen God at the top of the mountain.  Moses time with God was so intense it made is physical face shine.   Moses lead the people out of Egypt and was the administrator of the 10 plagues directed at Pharaoh's unbelief.  But, even though he was a great man and had seen great things, Moses knew that God was awesome and he dare not think, at the end of his life, he had arrived. All great men of God have come to similar points in their lives.   King David was the greatest king Israel had and a man, even God described as man after God's own heart.  Yet, David would tell us he came to a place where he know God was so great that he did not try to understand the deep things of God (See Psalm 131:1).    The great theologian Paul, after meditating on the doctrine of election and predestination, came to the conclusion that the God's plan and ways are so deep he cannot fathom them:

Romans 11:33-34 (NASBStr)
Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways! For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who became His counselor?  

God is deep and His ways past finding out.   The older we get the more we both relax in that thought and are amazed by it.   When you get older in your walk with God you mind find there are more things you understand.  But, like trying to jump the Grand Canyon, you might make a long jump but will still be quite short.   So, too, knowing the mind of God.  Rest and relax in the ways of God.   

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