Sunday, September 29, 2013

Are you afraid of death? Hebrews 1-4

Hebrews 2:14-15 (NASBStr)
Therefore, since the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise also partook of the same, that through death He might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, and might free those who through fear of death were subject to slavery all their lives.

When Jesus came to earth it was for the purpose of doing the will of His Father.  That will was that man would be set free from the pain of death; the club of Satan to destroy God's creation.  God created man to live.   Satan entered the garden and, through envy, enticed man to sin, which introduced death into creation.   Death became, and still is, the hammer Satan uses to bludgeon man.   Man lived in fear of death from that day forth.   If Jesus was to be our complete sacrifice He had to taste death.  That is the message of Hebrews and this passage specifically.  Christ, however, didn't suffer death as a fear.  He didn't approach death like man does.  Men fear death.   Christ's embraced death.  Death became the avenue by which Christ would defeat Satan and set man free from the fear of death, Satan's sole weapon of destruction.   When Christ defeated death by embracing and conquering it through the resurrection He demolished our fear of death, as well.   He didn't just crush the fear, however.   Christ's work on the cross and the resurrection took Satan's tool and turned it into a positive avenue for believers.  We now not only don't fear death, we, too, embrace it.  Death no longer ends something for us, it is the beginning of something for us.  Rather than separate us from God (Satan's intent), death unites us with God.   God's will was not to abolish death; His will was to take Satan's threat over us and turn it into our greatest desire.   Paul tells us that he would prefer to die in Galatians.   That is the center of all believers desire.   We are no longer in fear of death and therefore not slaves to Satan's mastery.   We live knowing we will live forever and death on this earth is just the avenue to get there.   

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