Sunday, August 11, 2013

Do you get caught up into fruitless banter? 1 Timothy 1-3

1 Timothy 1:5-6 (NASBStr)
But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. For some men, straying from these things, have turned aside to fruitless discussion,

Have you ever been in a "fruitless discussion?"   They are not a lot of fun; unless you have little knowledge or desire for the truth and faith toward God.   Perhaps the description of our modern day news cast or news panel discussion.  There is a lot of opinion tossed around but not a lot of truth, very little desire for love, and certainly not from a pure heart.  Paul starts out this book of instruction to Pastor Timothy, who was leading the Church at Ephesus, his fear that Timothy, and others, would be lead aside or drawn into false teaching ... no power, no fruit, not based upon Christ.   He is going to show Timothy what he wants him to teach as he goes through the book.   The key in these two verses is to make sure you have the proper goal for your teaching and the correct content.   Teaching that produces love, comes from purity (truth) and is expressed in faith and allows for a good conscious toward God.    The alternative is the fruitless banter we often hear in the public square.   As believes in a church we need to be very careful our content doesn't end up as this fruitless offering of the world.   When we stick to the truth of God's Word we are assured of all the things that make for good instruction.  This is not to mean that we don't join public debate, or teach something other than God's Word.   All of God's Word is truth but not all truth is in God's Word.   There are true things God does not specifically mention.  However, the screen for truth and the litmus test for our discussion and training in the public arena is God's Word.   That is Paul's point.  In Acts 17 he taught the Greeks on Mars Hill, which was a place often filled with fruitlessness of thought and talk.    Yet, Paul even used the writings of the Greek philosopher to prove his point.  Paul didn't stay away from outside truth.  He just warns Timothy and us to watch out that the church and the believer are not lead astray into teaching and talk that produces little benefit and empty banter.   This is why our teaching has to be in the ministry of the Holy Spirit.  Only the Spirit can produce love (the fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, etc).   So, to create teaching that produces love we must allow the Spirit to teach and discuss through us.  The next time you are brought into a political, sporting, or business debate, allow the Spirit to produce the fruit that will glorify God.   

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