Sunday, August 11, 2013

Are you getting tired of watching others sit while you work? 2 Thessalonians

2 Thessalonians 3:13 (NASBStr)
But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary of doing good.

It is easy to give up on doing good things.  This is especially true during tough times or times of some affliction.   But, the backdrop for the above statement by Paul to the Thessalonians is not given because of strictly tough times or affliction; though that certainly was present in every New Testament church.   The context here, however, is that in the church there were Christian brothers and sisters seating around and doing nothing.  They were lazy in their conduct and in their production because they were reasoning that since The Lord was coming at any minute, why work?    They simply were using the liberty in Christ to do what they wanted.   They were expecting others to do the work and they could relax and enjoy the labor of these others.   The warning that Paul gives "the others" (to not give up in doing good) is a favored theme of his (cf. 1 Cor 15:50, 58; 16:13; Phil 1:27, 28; 2:15, 16; 4:1; 1 Thess 3:5, 13; 5:23).  Paul was very concerned about the steadfast work of the believer in the view of the world and in the view of the Church.   Paul knows the human nature of mankind.  When we see others doing nothing we are tend to join them more than oppose them.  If someone doesn't pick up the paper on the ground, no one will.   Laziness and a lax life are as contagious as influenza.     Perhaps, more than any other threat, today's church suffers more than anything from Slough-fluenza.   When we see others look like dish rags (sit, soak and sour) we tend to want to join them.  Look at our "retirement" community mentality.   At a certain age we just surrender our work ethic.  Caleb, of Joshua's day, would loudly object to that notion (Joshua 14:11).   Paul does, as well.  Don't grow "cowardly" (as some translations would say it) when it comes to doing good and performing the good works God has for us.  Don't give in to the pattern of those around you, the culture that holds your or the society that nudges you.   Don't grow weary.  Our strength in in Him; Who never grows weary in caring for us.  The Spirit is steadfast in our hearts so that we can be steadfast in His plan.  

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