Thursday, May 2, 2013

How do our leaders respond to crisis? Job 35-36

Job 36:11-13 (NASBStr)
“If they (the leaders God appoints) hear and serve Him,
They will end their days in prosperity
And their years in pleasures.
 “But if they do not hear, they shall perish by the sword
And they will die without knowledge.
 “But the godless in heart lay up anger;
They do not cry for help when He binds them.

Elihu is given Job his final speech and wants to continue the theme of justice, God's response to injustice and Job's dilemma.   In these three verses he is telling Job that God appoints leaders and "if they serve Him" they will have prosperity.  But, if not they will "perish by the sword."    Justice is carried out on those who job it is to carry out justice.   Remember, according to Paul's writings, leadership is for the purpose of carrying out justice (Romans 13).   When those in leadership fail to act justly (according to God's principles) they will be judged by those principles and His character.   What is note worthy in these three verses is the last one.   When leaders act as ungodly people they don't respond to God's correction.   When difficulty comes to correct their behavior, instead of adjusting and repenting they hold anger in their hearts and "do no cry for help" when God "binds them."   If you watch the tragedy around us in our country it is amazing that we don't see people fall on their knees in repentance for the sins in our society.   Instead we boast when we "overcome" the tragedy.   We don't honor God and see tough times as the hand of God correcting us.  Leaders take credit for guiding us through the crisis.  They never stop to think that the crisis is there for us to "cry for help when He binds them."   Let that not be true in our own lives.   When we are off course God will send the wind and the storm to get out attention and blow us back onto the path He has charted for us.   Don't "lay up anger" in your hearts and ignore God's intervention to move you back toward Him.  

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