Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Would you like to be an Olive Tree? Psalm 51-53

Psalms 52:8 (NASBStr)
But as for me, I am like a green olive tree in the house of God;
I trust in the lovingkindness of God forever and ever.

David, in Psalm 52, is responding to the incident in 1 Samuel 22 when Doeg, the Edomite, told Saul that David was collaborating with the priest, while on the run from Saul.  When David was running away from Saul, he stopped by the priest and feed his men with the Showbread and took the sword he had taken from Goliath, that was stored there.    Doeg told Saul and the priest was killed for assisting David.   David laments the circumstances in this Psalm and tells how Doeg will die a certain death for this evil.   Yet, David, in contrast, will not die. He will, in fact, be like a green olive tree.  Note what the World Biblical Commentary has to say about the olive tree.  In a spiritual sense, this is what we are to God, for God and in our lives because of God: 

"The olive tree was very important for the economy of ancient Israel. The land of Israel is described as "a land of wheat and barley, of vines and fig trees and pomegranates, a land of olive trees and honey" (Deut 8:8; also 2 Kgs 18:32). The olive is an evergreen that may bear fruit (usually in alternate years) for centuries. Even if the main trunk dies, shoots grow up to prolong its existence (see Ps 128:3). It grows well in the Mediterranean climate, needing some seven months of sunshine and heat. However, since some frost helps productivity, the central highlands of Palestine (especially on lower slopes and valleys) were very fruitful. The olive was used in various ways:as food and as a source of fat in cooking (cf. 1 Kgs 17:12; other types of fat were hard to preserve but olive oil kept well),"

In Psalm 1 David begins this great book telling us we are like a tree planted by the waters, bringing forth fruit.   In Psalm 92:12 we are told to flourish like a palm tree planted by water.  In Psalm 128:3 we are told our wives will flourish like a vine tree and bring for fruit.   Our lives, in contrast to the evil person (who rejects God ... Psalm 52) is cared for God as the Master Gardener.  Since I live on a boat and own no dirt I am the last person who should talk about trees, gardens and fruit.  But, I get this picture.   We are like a "green" olive tree (remember, it will live for centuries).  The security and stability and fruitfulness we have in Christ is amazing and worthy of our praise.  Rejoice today and bring forth olive oil ... we were destined to do so.  

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