Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Are you plans in His hands? Romans 30-33

Psalms 31:15
My times are in your hands;
deliver me from my enemies
and from those who pursue me.

This same concept is echoed by Job in Job 14:5 and Job 24:1.  It is interesting that both the Psalmist here and the suffering Job find themselves in hard times.  Rejected by friends, pursued by enemies and inwardly tormented, they both rest in the same truth:  God is in control of my times (my life and steps). Too many people recoil at the thought of God's sovereign rule. They think this insults their free will and personal responsibility. However, God being in control is a reason to rest and a motivator to accept my life experiences.  For when my life is His hands I know that there is a reason to relax and not fret.  My enemy can do as he will when I know God is in control. Like the three Hebrews who were about to be tossed into the fiery furnace, the Psalmist realizes no matter where he ends up, alive or dead, God is in control.  Let's rejoice that "my times" are in His hands.  

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