Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Why do we need God's presence to serve? Judges 1-5

Judges 4:8
Then Barak said to her, “If you will go with me, then I will go; but if you will not go with me, I will not go.”

To understand this verse you have to understand the context and the theme of Judges.    The nation refused to follow God's Word to both claim the land and to drive out those living in the land.  They were not to engage in relationships with them or have any contact with them.   But, they failed in that outcome and as a result mingled with the inhabitants of the land, following them in sin, especially idol worship.   As a result God would empower the evil nations and would allow them to persecute Israel.   Israel would call out to God in this pain and God would send them a deliverer, a "judge", to rescue them and lead them. (Of course, they would soon fall into the same sin and the cycle would repeat.)    During one of many of these cycles God had raised up a women, Deborah, to be the prophetess of record.   The fact that there was a women prophet speaks to the sinfulness of the men at the time (so say most commentators).   Deborah calls Barak to "lead" the people out of sin by taking on the current tormentor (who is empowered by God to inflict pain on the rebellious nation).   Barak is willing to go but not alone.   He is no fool.   Some may say he lacked courage or stamina or something, since he asked a women to accompany him.   However, perhaps more appropriately, Barak may have seen Deborah as God's representative.   She was the presence of God in their midst.   Since he had an impossible task, Barak knew the only way to be successful was to assure that Deborah (God's presence) was with him.   We can move forward into battle all we want.   But, unless we consciously assure that we have God with us, we endanger not only ourselves, but those we lead, as well.   God gives us His Spirit today to be with us.   But, we can move forward and quench the Spirit's activity in our lives.   We can attempt to do activities for God but it ought to be with God's power and God's leading.   Be like Barak:  Don't attempt to move without God's presence!  

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