Wednesday, February 6, 2013

How do you withstand life's turmoil? Psalm 15-17

Psalm 15:5b
... He who does these things will never be shaken.

Do you have the stability to withstand anything that comes at you in life?   Can you handle a death of a loved one?  Can you handle a bad health report?   Can you withstand the storms of financial ruin?  Can you still stand tall when sin knocks, continually, at your door?  At the end of Psalm 15 the writer tells us that we can be assured we "will never be shaken."   Those words are proceeded by a conditional phrase: "He who does these things ...".    In the proceeding verses he delineates what "these things" are.    A quick look at them and we see they are simply restatements of what "walking" like Christ would be.  They are the "fruits of the Spirit" in different words.    They are the entire Christian life word-for-word.    What the writer is telling us is that righteousness that comes from Christ worked out in our life by a walk with the Spirit will result in the ability to handle life's "shaking."   When we have the indwelling Spirit working out the righteousness given to us by faith in Christ we can be assured of stability and strength in times of trouble.   We can't handle life's difficulties on our own.  We can't handle life's pain without Christ's presence practiced in day-to-day outcomes.   Job was able to handle the largest amount of stress know to man.  His children were killed, his property destroyed or stolen, his health afflicted, and the loss of the support of his help-mate, his wife.   Yet, the righteousness that comes by faith sustained him.  It did not prevent these things from happening and may have even open the door for them.  But, he was not shaken by them and was restored in the end.    He who does these things (Christian life through faith in Christ) will not be shaken.  

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