Monday, February 11, 2013

When we are in coflict what is God doing? Genesis 24-27

What does God do while we are living with people who would rather make war than make peace?   We live in a world of contention.  People are quick to get angry and to express that anger in unusual ways.  We are told to live at peace with man as much as we can.   However, men seem to want to cause war and frustration rather than peace.  In the story of Isaac and King Abimelech, God actually intervened to give Isaac peace.   Abimelech didn't like that Isaac came to him and then pretended that Rebekah, Isaac's wife, was his sister.  So, Abimelech sent them away in anger.   Isaac doesn't fight this and moves away, only to run into conflict with more of the locals over a well dispute.   Isaac's life for awhile, even though he was were God told him to be, was full of strife.   But, then Abmimelech comes to him and wants a treaty.   Why?   Note the following:

Genesis 26:28 (NASV)
They said, “We see plainly that the Lord has been with you; so we said, ‘Let there now be an oath between us, even between you and us, and let us make a covenant with you,

They "plainly" see that The Lord is with him.   When the world sees that God is with us they back off their dispute.  Only God can make that happen.   God sees when we are in conflict.   Isaac, unlike most, simply went with the flow and avoided those who had a conflict with him.  As he went through the well dispute he didn't press his rights or his authority.  He simply allowed others to have their desire and he moved on.  God saw that and blessed him anyhow.   This is similar to his farther, Abraham, who allowed Lot to have the best of the land.  God blessed Abraham despite having the lessor of the land choice.   God blesses us and opens the eyes of those in conflict with us so that they will want peace with us; even if they despise us.   Our part is to trust in faith that God can and will resolve the conflict.   

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