Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What can you do when life and others are unfair? Psalm 12-14

Psalms 13:5
But I have trusted in Your lovingkindness;
My heart shall rejoice in Your salvation.

What can you do in the midst of conflict and despair?   When you feel overwhelmed because of life's circumstances, what is left to do?  If you believe you are being mis-represented and mis-treated, what can you do?   In these three Psalm (12-14) we can hear the despair in David's voice.   The world's approach in these type of troubled times is to turn to friends (who will desert you or have their own issues), turn to possessions (which will rot and rust), turn to substance abuse (which will destroy over time), and turn to psychological speak (which will fail in the end).   David, in the midst of his despair, remembers the real answer to life's tough times is the mercy and salvation of The Lord.   Since he trusted in God's mercy (stated as "lovingkindness" in the NASV, above) he can "rejoice" in God's salvation.   When we realize the depth of our despair it ought to drive us to believe in the depth of His mercy.   That should, in turn, cause us to rejoice, despite the failings around us.   Why do believers forge on despite the bitter circumstances ... because they have faith in the unfailing mercy of God who will save them from and through tough times.   God shelters those He loves and those who put their trust in Him.   They can rest in His abundant, unfailing lovingkindness and rejoice (despite the dark days) in the salvation of The Lord.  Rejoice today ... shock those around you.  

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