Joshua 21:45
Not one of the good promises which the Lord had made to the house of Israel failed; all came to pass.
Does God keep His promises? That is like asking if the sun will always be hot? Or, will the moon reflect the sun? We fail to understand the truth behind this verse and verses like it. Later, in 24:15-18, Joshua stresses more about God keeping every portion of His word to the nation. God promised Abraham a child in his old age and at 100 he and Sarah had Isaac. But, Abraham had to wait years for the promise to come to fruition. But, it did. Noah was promised if he build the ark the flood would come but he and his family would be safe. Noah waited 98 years for that to take place. But it did. Joseph was told by God in a dream he would rule over his brothers and even over his mother and father. The brothers were so upset they sold him into slavery. He spent time in servitude and eventually in prison. But, he waited and he became second in the land with power. God keeps His promises but not necessarily on our time schedule. But, God's delay is not God's failure. God promises us that we will eventually reign with Him. And we will. Maybe not today, but He will keep His promises. If we simply took one promise a day to trust in we would be stretching our faith in an adequate manner and that would allows us to please Him (Hebrews 11:6).
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