Thursday, November 8, 2012

If you enjoy your job - that is a gift. Ecclesiastes 5-6

Ecclesiastes 5:18-19
Then I realized that it is good and proper for a man to eat and drink, and to find satisfaction in his toilsome labor under the sun during the few days of life God has given him–for this is his lot. Moreover, when God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work–this is a gift of God.

The enjoyment of work seems somewhat counter to the punishment in the garden to Adam after he ate the forbidden fruit.  If you remember, God told him that his "curse" would be that the normal work God gave him in the beginning of creation (working in the garden of Eden to care for it) would not be toilsome and burdensome and would produce sweat on the brow (Genesis 3).  Man was made to enjoy God's creation and care for it in enjoyment.   However, his sin caused the suffering in work we feel today.  It might be a pain to get up to go to work today but that is a pain God judicial commanded as a result of disobedience to His commands.   Yet, in this verse we see that Solomon is telling us that we ought to enjoy our work.  We are, according to the King, to enjoy our possessions and embrace our jobs.  We are to look to be "happy" in our work.    How do we balance these two different thoughts on work?    The key is to remember that even though God commanded that work would now be toilsome, God can still give a blessing on whom He wants to enjoy their work - "THIS IS A GIFT OF GOD."   God gives enjoyment as a gift.  It is NOT that we have the RIGHT job and therefore we enjoy our work.  It is NOT that we are so good at it that we enjoy our work.  It is NOT that we have the right co-workers and therefore we enjoy our work.   It is NOT that we have decided we will do what we like and never really have a job the rest of our lives.   It is because God has given us enjoyment as a gift that we enjoy our work.   It is a gift.   No, it is not your attitude, your skills, your temperament or your colleagues that gives you enjoyment.   It is your God who gives you enjoyment ... as a gift.   Don't forget that and don't reject that.   Complain about your job and you fulfill Genesis 3.   Be content with you job and you will experience God's gift. 

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