Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Do you have a record? Psalm 128-130

Psalms 130:3
If you, O Lord, kept a record of sins,
O Lord, who could stand?

Most people don't think they have a record.   Most people would say they have never been arrested so there is no record.   In this Psalms we see a different view of our past.   "If" God kept a record of our sin, NO ONE would be able to stand before Him.   We all need our record purged.   This entire Psalm is about seeking and waiting for the goodness and forgiveness of God.    The writer is telling us that absent God's wiping our record clean we have no standing before God.    The writer knows his state before God.  He must wait and hope for God's redemptive arm to save him.   We may not have a record with the police or at our work or even in our own mind.   But, God knows the hearts.  He searches the hearts.  He knows the corruption we have within.   But, He does not leave it that way.  He redeems us, as we read the rest of the Psalm.   He forgives us.   We can "stand" before Him, but not based upon our own work on the work of God and His everlasting goodness and forgiveness.  

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