Friday, July 13, 2012

Do you doubt God keeps His promises ... read this! Ezekiel 25-30

When God prophesies something it comes true.   God is a God of promise.  So, when He promises something (good or bad) He comes through on his promise.  In Ezekiel 26 we have one of the best and foremost claims as to God's veracity: He is complete true to His Word!!   He prophesied that the great city Tyre would be not only destroyed but it would never be seen again or occupied again.   The story of Tyre in History is an interesting story but also one that demonstrates God's faithfulness to His word.  God prophecies the Babylon would destroy it.  The facts of history show that Tyre was besieged by Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, for 13 years.  When the king finally marched into the city everyone was gone.   They in fact, had escaped to the Island of Tyre, just a few miles off the coast of the great city.   Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the city and left it in ruins ... however, technically some of the people were still surviving on the island. However, God was not done.   Later, under Alexander the Great the island came under siege.   But, because Alexander the Great had no ready naval fleet, he took the remains of the City of Tyre and built a causeway to the island some 60 feet wide and just under a mile long.   Not only did he destroy the island and its occupants, but by using the old city as material he furthered fulfilled God's prophecy by leaving no remains of Tyre visible.   When God promises something He uses a variety of means to accomplish His Word.   God keeps His word.   All of it!   You can bank on His promises today.  

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