Monday, April 2, 2012

Helping was in his blood until it came to helping God - Exodus 1-4

The story of Moses is such a well of truth for us to dip into. We can see by nature, that Moses is a helper; a man of extreme justice and desire for fair and equitably treatment. His first venture into the world of "peacemaking" is when he sees an Egyptian attacking one of his fellow Hebrews. We don't know why but apparently the intervention is to the point of a struggle resulting in the death of the Egyptian soldier. You might think that Moses would take some time to evaluate his conduct and think of a new strategy for his life. However, the passage says that the very next day he sees his own Hebrew brothers fighting and attempts to intervene again (2:13). Knowing the Pharoah had discovered his firt "intervention" Moses heads to the wilderenss and comes to Midian. Once there, having had a few days to reflect on his pattern of "sticking his nose into the business of others," Moses, again, intervenes. This time it is for the female sheep hearders. One of which he eventually marries. Now, with three examples of "intervention" on his resume Moses is approached by God to "intervene" for God by leading His people out of Egypt. Moses seems content on using his intervention qualities to his chief end. However, when asked by God to use his "natural" qualities for God, Moses objects. Isn't this true with most of us. We all have gifts, skills and talents that God has given us. Natural ways in which we nagivate through this world. However, when asked by God to use those same gifts or skills for Him we are too busy and too occupied with our own things. God gives us gifts and natural bents for life. When He wants to use them to accomplish His purposes we suddenly claim inadequacy. Let's allow God the use of His gifts He has loaned to us.

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