Thursday, March 29, 2012

What exactly do you do to help society? Job 25-26

Once again one of Job's comfortors "comforts" him. Bildad confronts Job with the doctrine of God's omnipotence and holiness. These are always good doctrines to talk about, preach, and use for "comfort." But, something has gone incrediablly wrong in this "counseling" session. Everyone going into any type of counseling or executive coaching or "listening" occupation ought to have to read Job as a text book on how "not to do" counseling, executive coaching or listening jobs! Job, in the first few verses of chapter twenty-six asks the penatrating question that should be asked of everyone, no matter their job in life: Job 26:2 - "What a help you are to the weak! How you have saved the arm without strength!" Actually, if you note the Hebrew punctuation, this is not a question. This is actually a statement by Job. Plainly he is telling Bildad, YOU ARE NO HELP! If we really want to comfort someone who is in pain and suffering we have to get out of using "judgement" as a tool. Bildad, like his brothers, are in the process of trying to discover "why" something happened to Job, rather than "how" to help him. So, Job, "asks" the question as to what value do you bring to this situation. The same question should be asked or stated to each of us: Why value do we bring to the weak? In verse three Job adds, what "wisdom" do you offer to one who doesn't have wisdom? Our value to others is what we can bring to them in their "weakness" and how to strengthen them in their walk. Most people value their walk in this life with what they accumulate and how far up the ladder they go. When, in reality our measure is how we glorify God by being His hands and His feet to impact others for Christ. Ask yourself this question: What value did you bring yesterday to others?

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