Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Your hatred for sin displays your true heart! Psalm 36-38

Psalms 36:1-2 - Transgression speaks to the ungodly within his heart; There is no fear of God before his eyes. For it flatters him in his own eyes concerning the discovery of his iniquity and the hatred of it.

These two verses tell us much about what is in the heart of the non-believer in regard to their attitude toward sin. Read these two verses again and then read what Paul writes in Romans 7:14-26 about the believer's attitude toward sin. Sin within the heart of the non-believer causes little disruption in their emotions. With no fear of God before their eyes there is no fear of sin (and its consequences) within their heart. Sin actually flatters them. In 36:4 it goes on to say that the non-believer actually lays on his bed thinking of ways to sin ... obviously, not really knowing it is sin. Paul, as a representative of all believers, "hates" his sin. He hates that it works its evil ways within him. He sees sin as an enemy and his flesh as the battle field. Our attitude toward sin actually reveals what is in our hearts. We tend to hear of those who say they "believe" in God and, yet, they have no fear of sin or hatered for sin. Sin uses flattery to cover its wickedness. Sin makes the evil it brings sound good for awhile ... until we have it in our heart and we actually caught in its trap. If you find you are not sensitive to sin in your life than you may have a problem with belief in your heart.

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