Friday, March 2, 2012

Just how many "Gods" are there? Isaiah 45-50

How many are there of you? How many teams are referred to as the Los Angles Lakers? Just how many states are called Florida? Stop and think from a logical, reasoning sort of way how many we have of things we think and believe are significant. We tend to have one. That probably doesn't make total logic sesnse but you get where this is going: How many real "Gods" do we have. Does it make sense that many could fulfill the role of "God?" "God" must be "all powerful." That means, by definition, there can only be one! You can have two all powerful Gods. The phrase "all powerful" means you don't share power with anyone or anything. And, if God wasn't "all powerful" than why would you want to worship a "paritial powerful God? Christianity makes a very dogmatic and unbashful claim: Our God is number one! He is the "ONLY" true "God!" We don't make that claim on some half-wit logic, however. We make that claim on the claims of God, Himself, as recorded in God's Word. In God's Word, almost 20 times, God makes the claim, or someone does for Him, that He is the "only true God." In this section of Isaiah, alone, we have ten of those times. God makes the claim, Himself, "I alone am God, there is no other." Either by logic or by claim, there is but one God. You can make up other names for God and make other claims for mulitple Gods but there is no revelation or claim as strong as God's Word that He alone is a God. He alone deserves our praise. There IS NO OTHER! That offends people, from what we hear. But, it makes absolutely no sense that there even could be multiple Gods. There is one God and He takes the claim of being the only true God. He deserves our worship. All of it.

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