Thursday, March 1, 2012

The darkness of the light of the unbeliever - Job 18-19

Unbelievers walk in light that God provides in His mercy but that light is full of darkness. In Job 18:5 Bildad, in his "comfort" of Job begins to compare Job's plight with that of the wicked. In the comparison he uses false reasoning to conclude that Job must somehow be wicked. His argument is that since the wicked suffer and their "light" will soon be snuffed out (see further Proverbs 13:9; 20:20; 24:20) and Job's "light" is currently being snuffed out, Job must be wicked. Why is it we are always comparing ourselves with those of unbelief? Asaph, when he saw the prosperity of the wicked was envious (Psalm 73). Why does Bidad compare Job (a believing man ... see Job 1) to the care of the wicked? The wicked, even in light, live in darkness. In Isaiah we read that Christ will come to open the eyes of the unbeliever to get them from darkness to light (Isaiah 42:7). John tells us that if we "hate" others we actually live in darkness (1 John 2:11). It is possible to live in light and walk in darkness. That is the plight of the world. They boast about their life and what the "see" but God has blinded their eyes so they can't see. Let us realize that the unbelievers life has temporial light and not eternal. Bildad is wrong in his reasoning. Job, even in the spot he is in, sees spiritual things the wicked could ever see (see 19:23-27). Job says his "eyes" will see and behold his redeemer. The wicked's lamp (he eyes) are blind to the redeemer. We need to quit comparing our plight to that of the unbeliver. Even in our darkness we see light while in their light there is only darkness.

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