Thursday, February 16, 2012

Is there hope? Job 14

When we forget that Job was probably the first book written we fail to realize what early revelation Job had. He had no cannon of Scripture to reveal to him the greater truths of God, as we do. In chapter fourteen we read about Job's primitive but deep doctrine of future things. In 14:14 he asks a great question? He asks, "If man dies, will he live again?" If we fail to see the depth in the question we only have to think of today's society. Our society today, with all the depth of a kiddie pool, is obsesed with entertainment and fulfilling their life with happiness and fun. Job, who is in the middle of a crisis with no apparent health care plan, stops to ask the question all men should ask, in any age. It is shocking how many of today's youth and fast-paced-go-getters are not concerned with events after their death. God is in the process of condemning the world and offering salvation and man stands by and lets the train of salvation leave the station while they down anothe six-pac of pleasure. Job apparently sees a "change" coming because he says he will "wait, until my change comes." He may not have known all the particulars of Christ's future ressurection for man, but he had faith in knowing that God was going to so something. He already confessed that he was mere grass and would pass away. He was willing to trust God with is hope of the future without knowing the particulars. He asked the questions and readied for the answers. Today we skip the questions and ignore the answers. God has promised a great ressurection to us. We have hope of life ever-after. Rejoice in knowing what God's plan is. Have the faith of Job and know your future is in His hands.

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