Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Do we dare pray this? Psalms 18-20

Psalm 18 is a Psalm we pray when we are in trouble; in a tight place and have enemies on all sides. In expressing himself to God, David prays the following: Psalms 18:20 - "The Lord has rewarded me according to my righteousness; According to the cleanness of my hands He has recompensed me". What would our lives be like if we prayed this way? What if we asked God to bless us "according" to the righteousness we portray? Of course, since we are clothed with the righteousness of Christ (believes according to Romans 5-6) we can pray that and expect good things. That is our positional righteousness. We are positionally, in Christ, righteous before God. But, what if our blessings each day were dependent upon our "practical" rigtheousness - our day-to-day rigtheous living out of our positional standing in Christ? Would we find blessing from God? And, in fact, that is how some of our earthly blessings to come - through our practical, every day walk. When we are practicing our positional righteousness every day we are obeying His Word and carrying out His will - that leads to natural blessing (Psalm 19:11). When we are disobey His Word and disregard His will we reap what we sow (18:24). So, do we dare pray this prayer today foroursleves: Bless me accornding to my "practical" righteousness? We can't be righteous apart from Christ's indwelling Spirit - for even our righteousness is as filty rags - but the point stands. God bless those who do His will. Even if we are positionaly righteous we can't expect practical blessings if we are walking with Him each day. Our purpose is to match our practical walk with our positional standing before God - that is our daily purpose. Do we dare pray David's words?

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