Saturday, February 25, 2012

Do you and your freinds recognize and honor Christ's authority? Matthew 20-22

In chapter twenty-one of Matthew we read that the religious leaders of the day wanted to know "by what authority" Jesus healed people and performed miracles? What is odd about their question is the fact that most commom people in that day (and ours) who observe a miracle tend to think God is involved in some way or another. Therefore the answer would seem a little obvious. The religious leaders should have recognized that Jesus was fulfilling every Old Testement Scripture they had attached to their robes and, hopefully, their minds. Jesus, rather than answering them, ask them by what authority John the Baptist performed his baptisms. They, of course, so fearful of the people, decided not to answer (they would allow the fear of the people to cripple them again in 21:46). The reason Jesus asks them about John the Baptist was not to deflect the question about His authority but to demonstrate His authority and provide His answer. It was at the Baptism of John that Jesus was blessed and approved by God with an audiable voice that others would hear. God, at that moment, granted Jesus "authority." If that wasn't enough to demonstrate Jesus "authority" to the religious leaders, He also uses Scripture and Tradition. In 22:45, 46 Jesus asks the religious leaders His own question. He asks, "Why does the Scripture say that King David would call the Messiah 'Lord'?" The answer, which would reveal both the authority of Jesus and that Jesus was therefore the Messiah, was that the only reason for King David to call the Messiah "Lord" would be that the Messiah would come through King David and be greater than King David, or, God. King David had more authority and honor than anyone in the Jewish mind. So, if Jesus was doing things that God was pleased with and King David called Him "Lord" than the people of the day ought to recognize His authority. Jesus has the authority over the world around us and the world in us. Our failure to recognize His authority is Pharisaical at best. Jesus, by God's approval and will, has been given complete authority. When men reject Him and His rule in their hearts it is because they want their own rule. We are to recognize His rule in our lives. In every aspect of our lives.

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