Saturday, February 11, 2012

Are your eyes on the wind or on He who causes the wind? Matthew 14-16

Matthew 14:30 - "But seeing the wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” The story of Peter walking on water is intriguing. As a person who lives the majority of the year on water, anyone who "walks on water" gets my attention. We could be crticial of Peter but, other Christ, he is the only one I know who walked on water. Elisha made an axe-head float on water (2 Kings 6). Moses saw water stop flowing in sea and start flowing out of a rock (Exodus 4 & 17). Jonah had quite an experience under the water (Jonah 2). But, as far as I know, Peter is the only person who wasn't God to "walk on water." Yet, his experience was shorten not because of his weight, science, or his gate. His legs sank because his eyes wandered. Peter lost the opportunity of a life time because he feared the wind more than the fear of God. He assumed he was not supposed to walk on liquid. Yet, God's power has constantly demonstrated His control over water. But, Peter's eyes saw life through natural eyes rather than spiritual eyes. Like Peter we make the same mistake. We see diseases through our natural eye rather than through our spiritual eyes, even though we have constant examples of God healing others. We see money problems through natural eyes rather than through spiritual eyes even though we have constant examples of God providing for others. We see mountains in front of us as real mountains even though God majors on mountain climbing as we use spiritual eyes rather natural eyes. Do you see the wind or the God who controls the wind. Walk on water today! Use your spiritual eyes.

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