Monday, January 2, 2012

God "said" - Genesis 1-3

There are so many people who have a problem with God's creating all this in six days. The devolutionist theories it had to be done via some thousands of years process and the religious make the days to be thousands of years saying the "days" were simply metaphors. Why man has problems with creation is obvious for many reasons. If they admit a God created they are morally and logically obligated to worship Him. But, there may be another reason they reject God creating the world and all that is in it in the way it is recorded in Genesis 1-3. In the passage it says that God "said" and it was so. It is God's Word that created the heavens, the earth, the cattle, the birds; all of it. That makes God's voice, His word, very powerful. In John 1:1-3 we understand that God's Word is made flesh in the Person of Christ. God's Word is supreme. As we take on the task of reading through it this year we must always realize that the central theme of God's Word is Christ and the power of God's Word is supreme. God "said" and it was created. God "said" and it was so. So, read the Bible through in its entirity and we will see that God's Word is not only powerful enough to created a world it is powerful enough to change and manage yours and mine.

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