Sunday, January 1, 2012

Are you one of "those" people? Jude

It is fitting in this Bible reading program designed to read the Bible through in a year that we end with the book of Jude; a warning to beware of false teachers. Jude reminds us all (every generation of the Church) to stay away from false teachers and to be aware of their dangers to us and the Church. He doesn't identify them by name but actually refers to them as "these" teachers and gives us four ways to view them. He first refers to them as "these are the men who are hidden reefs in your love feast" (v. 12). You don't have to be a boater to realize the dangers of a "hidden reef." A reef is a sudden shallow self that can tear the bottom right out of the boat. These false teachers hide in the midst of your "Love Feast" (a celebratory time the Church worships Christ). The run church into the ground like a ship torn at the keel. He then calls them "these men" that Enoch warned about (v. 14). Enoch prophesied about angels coming to battle false teachers who were four ways "ungodly" (vs. 15). In verse sixteen Jude calls them "grumblers" who find fault". May I say here this doesn't have to be be fulfilled by formal teachers. Many in today's Church can fulfill this aspect of "these" men. Finally, in verse seventeen we read they are men who cause division. Their false teaching and ungodly complaining eventually produces divisions among the church. I see this a real example of today's church and our current battle. The fact of divisions in the church is the product of false teachers who sneak in and hide (like dangerous reefs) and sow discord and discontent to get their own, self-convinced, doctrines to be that of the Church. They eventually divide the Church. The read-through-the-Bible program is designed to teach us great doctrine to avoid "these" men. I find that in the Church we are either one of His people, or one of "those" people.

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