Saturday, January 14, 2012

Fight Satan's words (temptation) with God's WORD - Matthew 3-4

In this section of Matthew we find the beginning of Christ's earthly ministry. Christ begins with an obedient act of Baptism (Chapter 3) and this section ends with Him calling His disciples and a fruitful healing ministry (see the end of Chapter 4). However, like our ministries on earth, God allowed His Son to be tempted by Satan. In Chapter 4 we see the temptation of Christ and how He fights that temptation. In Hebrews 4:21 we read that Christ was tempted in all areas, like we are, but without sin. So, we see that Christ't temptation, outside of demonstrating His righteousness and holiness (the primary reason) was also a way for Christ to be empathic with our temptations when we pray to God through Him. It should be noted how Christ defeated Satan's temptation. Although He was fully God He didn't call upon a miraculous-God-powered-spell down on Satan. He didn't poof Satan out of the way. Christ, being fully man, did exactly was we are to do when confronted with Satan's words of temptation - we are to rely, by faith in God's Word through faith. Notice how Christ quotes Scripture to fight Satan's allurements: He quickly goes to God's Word using the shield of Faith (Ephesians 6) and the Sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6 and Hebrews 4:15). In Hebrews 11:1-5 we read that faith allows us to find approval from God. God's Word is not passive. When mixed with faith it becomes a fully drawn sword for spiritual battle against God's and our primary enemey. Use God's WORD to defeat Satan's tempting dialogue.

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