Friday, January 13, 2012

Don't fear them - Fear Him - Isaiah 7-11

We teach our children not to fear the "scary" thing in the closet or under the bed. Although the child's fear are real the thing they fear is often not. When we hear bad news, fear opens our minds to evil possibilities rather than thoughts of joy. Fear is a genuine emotion we get lost in and around. Even the strongest of warriors experiences the emotion of fear. In Isaiah 7 we see that King Ahaz was informed that the Arameans were coming to "conquer Jerusalem" and he, like most, naturally fell into the "fear mode." In 7:2 we read that he feared so much he shook like trees do when they are blown by the wind. I don't know too many leaders, in the same situation, who wouldn't fear what man might do to them. But, God tells the King that these armies are nothing more than "smoldering shrubs" and that they should not fear them but Fear Him (7:4 and 8:13). He tells them that the plans of these wicked forces will come to naught (7:7). This is true of all of man's plans that don't harmonizes with God's plans. Now it is true that God will allow wicked men to triumph for a moment over the Godly (this is what the rest of Isaiah is about) but God will bring to naught the eventual plans of the wicked. We should not fear the plans of men and shake in terror. They may have devised sound and logical strategies. However, God is the one whom we should fear. His plans will come to fruition. We often get worried about what others are planning or conjuring up in their minds about us. Those who are in Christ and walk with Christ, have nothing to fear. Fear God and all other fears will be seen as they are truly are: Empty closets and nothing under the bed.

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