Wednesday, December 21, 2011

You thoughts perish at death ... think about it! Psalm 146-148

Psalm 146:3,4 - Do not trust in princes, in mortal man, in whom there is no salvation. He spirit departs, he returns to the earth. In that very day his thoughts perish. In the middle of this exciting and powerful Psalm we find a great truth about humanity and our life ... and death. The context of the Psalm is to focus on God and His great power. God is to be praised! God is to be praised for the great things He has done, can do and will do for us. In the middle of this Psalm we read the character of man. Man is limited in life and in the depth of his ability to save himself and others. He is "mortal" and upon his death his "thoughts perish." God's Word, or truth (faith), on the other hand, is forever. Yet, with this great truth we tend to trust in God. We trust in his own understanding. We trust in his wisdom. We trust in his solutions to things. Despite that truth we need to realize, that man's wisdom dies at his death. However, it is only God who deserves our trust and our loyalty and our praise. Praise Him and seek His "faithfulness." He can and will and does great things.

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